Planet ISDN Phone This name already exists, do you want to replace it ? This name already exists, do you want to replace it ? Do you really want to erase this entry ? Modify Add Number: Name: Delete Replace Call identifier : Number: Incoming call !! Continue WARNING: Restarting your Macintosh will interrupt your call… WARNING: Shutting Down your Macintosh will interrupt your call… Open window on hook Do not disturb Popup window on incoming calls Ring active Refuse Transfer Accept Settings... Resume Suspend Hang-up Dial Delete Modify New ÉÅÉbÉZÅ[ÉWÅF åªç›ÇÃî‘çÜÅF ÉÅÉbÉZÅ[ÉWÅF ìdòbî‘çÜÅF ìdòbí†